Tuesday Mediation Club

Mediate with Gregory Hunt online on a Tuesday for just £300 plus VAT per party. Save an extra 10% by joining the Tuesday Mediation Club, and enjoy a range of other benefits. New bookings only.
Scroll down for more details.
The Tuesday Mediation Club
01. Discounted Mediation
Gregory Hunt is one of the most experienced mediation professionals in th UK. He has worked in ADR for nearly 30 years and mediated more than 150 times. Book him to mediate online on a Tuesday and his fee is just £600 plus VAT (see here for Gregg’s full commercial rates). You do not have to join the Tuesday Mediation Club to benefit from this offer.
02. 10% Additional Discount
Join the Tuesday Mediation Club and receive a further 10% discount on mediating with Gregg online on a Tuesday. It is free to join, just email gregg@huntadr.com and you will be added to the members list and receive your discount codes.
03. All About Mediation
As a member of the Tuesday Mediation Club, you will receive a free subscription to All About Mediation (worth £75), our on demand course which explains mediation and how it operates in civil and commercial disputes across the UK.
04. Training Discount
Members of the Tuesday Mediation Club will also receive a 10% discount on all Hunt ADR mediation training and CPD, including the Mediator Accreditation Programme (new customers only).
05. Book your Tuesday Mediation now!
To book Gregg just email gregg@huntadr.com stating the Tuesday you wish to book and he will be in touch to confirm.
06. Want an in person mediation or a non-Tuesday mediation?
If you wish to enquire about availability or book Gregg for an in person mediation or for a different day of the week please email adr@huntadr.com. Members of the Tuesday Mediation Club will benefit from a 20% discount on mediating with Gregg in person any other day of the week.
07. Join the Tuesday Mediation Club now
Membership is open now, Just email gregg@huntadr.com and you will receive immediate access to all benefits.
Members also gain insights into other dispute resolution services offered by Hunt ADR, such as our Private Arbitration Court.