Gregory Hunt, Mediator

I am an experienced mediator specialising in resolving civil and commercial disputes. You can view my mediation biography here.
I’m accredited by both CEDR and CIArb and a Fellow of the Civil Mediation Council. I’ve been mediating since 2001 though most of my experience has come since the 2010s.
My mediation work has been very wide and is not pidgeon-holed in to a single specialism. I have various options for appointment, these are:
The Tuesday
Mediation Club
Just £300 plus VAT per party. See here for full details about this special offer for online mediations on a Tuesday only. Includes member benefits. Membership of the Tuesday Mediation Club is free.
In Person and non-Tuesday Mediation Club
My commercial rates start from £1,500 plus VAT per day (generally £750 plus VAT per party). If in person then travel and subsistence may apply. Rates, including overtime if required, are agreed in advance with the parties.
Email me for futher information or to make a booking.