Five students from the University of Malaga, studying for the English law Course recently undertook the Hunt ADR Certificate in ADR as part of their studies. We are pleased to confirm that all five passed and we would like to welcome them to the Hunt ADR Student Alumni.
They are:
Eduardo Díaz Menéndez
Klaudija Kirkilaite Liboni
Manuel Martos Ortal
Santiago Lorén Peso
Victoria Hernández Jiménez
Hunt ADR Limited
Established in April 2016, Hunt ADR is a leading provider of mediation and arbitration services. Known for high-quality, timely, and cost-effective dispute resolution, we also offer top-tier industry training. Contact us to learn more about our services.
Hunt ADR
E-mail: adr@huntadr.com
Phone: 020 7043 1674
Travel Arbitration
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Phone: 0330 380 0626