We have two complaints procedures. If your complaint relates to the ABTA Arbitration Scheme 2018 please click here.
For complaints about anything else provided by us, please address all complaints to:
Gregory Hunt, Managing Director, Hunt ADR Limited, PO Box 12627, Billericay CM12 2EZ or email adr@huntadr.com.
Please include the following details:
Your name, and details of how to contact you
Details of your complaint
What you would like to happen
We will acknowledge the receipt of your complaint within five working days. This acknowledgment may include a detailed response or give an indication of how long it will take to send you a detailed response (we aim to respond in detail within 14 days – see below).
We will investigate your complaint carefully and thoroughly and write back to you with a full reply within 14 working days (occasionally we may need longer than this but this will be indicated in the acknowledgment letter).
If you are not satisfied with the response then depending upon the nature of the complaint you can take further action as follows:
Mediation. We adhere to the Civil Mediation Council Complaints Process for Members. If you remain unhappy after our response then you can refer the matter to the CMC following the procedure at http://www.civilmediation.org/governance
Arbitration. Many of our arbitrators are members of The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb). In the event that you remain unhappy with our handling of your complaint you may have recourse to complain to the CIArb, but please note they can only deal with complaints about the actual arbitrator and not our service or our response. For further information please see http://www.ciarb.org/about/ciarb-complaints-procedure.