Image of a man cycling a bike in support of Cycle for Foodbanks

Back on the Saddle

Gregory Hunt is back on the saddle following knee surgery and the next leg of his Cycle for Foodbanks takes him (virtually) to Cork, Ireland.

This is the only stop in Ireland and Gregg chose Cork in particular as having done some family tree digging his Irish ancestors tend to come from the south of Ireland. What he didn’t know at the time he chose Cork is that his most recent Irish ancestor, a Great Great Grandmother, hailed from Limerick, as did many others in the family.

With Cork on the list Gregg has identified FeedCork as the supported foodbank. If you are in Ireland and want to support, please visit the Feed Cork website for further details on how you can help them.

Of course, wherever you are, there will be a foodbank, so please continue to support and remember that even a small donation of food, non-perishable items or cash can make a huge difference to someone’s life.