A New Chapter in ADR Education and Engagement

...when it comes to making a difference in the world of dispute resolution, there’s No Disputing That we are leading the way...

Its recent expansion has transformed No Disputing That into a multi-platform educational powerhouse.

By leveraging modern media tools and platforms, we’re bringing the world of ADR to wider and more diverse audiences than ever before.

Our Services

Mediator Training

For individuals who aspire to become accredited mediators, those seeking to deepen their understanding of conflict resolution, or professionals aiming to enhance their business acumen by mastering conflict prevention and management strategies.

Private Arbitration Court

The Private Arbitration Court is a fixed-fee arbitration service meeting the growing demand for arbitration as the preferred method of resolving commercial disputes.

Travel Arbitration

We are exclusive providers of arbitration services for disputes between members of ABTA and their customers.

Arbitrator CPD

Qualified arbitrator but can't get that first appointment? Get practical experience in arbitration with the Arbitrator Experience Programme (ArbEx).

The history of Hunt ADR from its foundation in 2016 to the present day.

The history of Hunt ADR from its foundation in 2016 to the present day.

The history of Hunt ADR from its foundation in 2016 to the present day.

Appoint Gregory Hunt as your mediator

Food in bags at a foodbank
Cycle for Foobanks Project

Food Bank Support

Learn about our initiatives to assist foodbanks and explore how Gregory Hunt is promoting awareness by cycling over 2,000km on a stationary bike.