£500 Mediation Voucher
Save on professional civil and commercial mediation by activating your £500 mediation voucher – available here!
Every time we see reference to the UK’s Mediation Voucher Scheme for Family Disputes it makes us feel even more strongly that a similar scheme for business would activate all of the thirteen values of mediation as illustrated in our YouTube video.
To put our money where our mouth is, you can use the £500 voucher for up to three full day mediations using Gregory Hunt as mediator for the rest of 2024.
Simply access your discount by scanning the QR code on your voucher or click “Buy” below to book immediately.
Hunt ADR Limited
Established in April 2016, Hunt ADR is a leading provider of mediation and arbitration services. Known for high-quality, timely, and cost-effective dispute resolution, we also offer top-tier industry training. Contact us to learn more about our services.
Hunt ADR
E-mail: adr@huntadr.com
Phone: 020 7043 1674
Travel Arbitration
E-mail: admin@travelarbitration.co.uk
Phone: 0330 380 0626